“We can have the courage to live in a way that our calendars reflect our hearts.”


Less But Better

Hello Loves,

The best and most challenging decisions I have made center around ignoring the “norms” and carefully choosing what aligns with my deepest priorities. This invariably means I am choosing to simplify. As the book Essentialism so thoroughly explores, when we “choose less, but better” we choose in alignment with our intended future rather than being carried along in the stream of expectations. In order to get what we want most, we have to unplug from the ideal of being “normal” and that can challenge each of us differently. Being part of the group is a survival need.

We all need to feel part of a community where we can contribute and where we feel supported. But beyond investing in our chosen communities where we live, work, play, and are educated….there is a group think driven by societal norms that doesn’t serve us. When we feel we must say yes to commitments everyone else is doing, watch the popular shows, go to the cool weekend events, and buy what indicates our social status….we gradually distance ourselves from our true selves. Being “normal” is often a lesser good than we would choose if we just listened to our hearts and Spirits. We have to stop valuing how we look more than how we feel.

Seeming to be happy and well nourished is very different from feeling deeply connected to what your body and soul need. There is only so much time in a day. How are we going to spend it? What do we really value being well versed on—plot twists in currently popular shows or areas of expertise we want to keep gaining knowledge in? A few years ago, I switched 20 minutes a day on Instagram, for 20 minutes a day on furthering my progress in becoming trilingual. That was a good investment!

Life will likely never offer us a good time to slow down, to do that inner healing work, to really invest in that change/relationship/project. It’s always going to be a tough decision. We can have the courage to live in a way that our calendars reflect our hearts. Rather than passively letting others choose our priorities for us, we will live a life that we can be at deep peace with when we breathe our last. Our fear of death is quelled when our integrity in life is deepened. Creating the time to pause may require creativity. Last year I spent 5 days on silent retreat alone to rest, journal, read, reflect, and clarify my priorities and how I organize my habits around those priorities.It was wonderful.

Be creative in finding ways that fit your time and budget…but find ways to pause and reflect. It’s the only way to really hear your heart. In the end, no one knows your inner calling, your deepest challenges, and your longings but you. You are the one who has been entrusted with seeing all of that through to the end.

Take that calling seriously. You have been given a gift and a solemn responsibility. The only expectations you need to meet are the ones you will cherish as you exhale your final goodbye. And, that way of thinking is what gives your life rich meaning and layered beauty. That’s how you are meant to live. What is coming to mind right now? What changes are calling to you? Do it. Do it now.

Cheering you on,
