“It is possible to create a life of beautiful intentionality in our self care, our environment, and the habits that support both.'”


Interior Design for Your Soul – Pt 2

Hello Beautiful,

Let’s look at how *Interior Design for Your Soul* can help you make the shifts you’ve longed for and support the long term thriving you aspire to. My virtual and in person consulting combines my work in wellness, wisdom mentorship, habit curation, and environmental optimization. The fact is that these things all feed off each other. Our health, our mindset, our habits, and our environment all limit or expand what we are capable of becoming and creating.

Our daily wellness rituals ground us in the wisdom of our bodies, they connect us to it’s signals of resonance or dis-ease that are offering guidance on decisions. Our messy desks and overflowing closets contribute to our feeling confused and overwhelmed. However, our curated and artfully organized wardrobes, a refrigerator stocked with the healthiest versions of our favorite foods, and home offices that offer space to create in a well organized and inspiring place, fuel our success in every area. Our surroundings effect our state of mind and our conception of what we are and can do in our life.

The first place we live, our very first home, is our body. How we relate to our body will shape our lives profoundly. I am here to help you develop your body centered connection to your Spirit. I want to help you identify and remove the blocks to your progress. It’s so fulfilling to design rituals and practical systems to make thriving your default setting. When you re-design your personal habits & spaces to prime you for success in every area, it’s a game changer. It is possible to create a life of beautiful intentionality in our self care, our environment, and the habits that support both.

In order to flourish, we need to consistently invest in the care of our body, mind, and Spirit. The more we invest in our health, wisdom, and intellect, the more we have to enjoy and to share. Without health, we cannot act in the world. Without wisdom we cannot act well. Without developing our intellect, we will be the slave of the latest cultural trend rather than the curator of millennia of study & insight mixed with a skillful adaptability to the particulars of our era.

During the years I spent working in Interior Design and as a Professional Organizer, I saw how helping people organize and beautify the spaces they live and work in changed their lives. When things feel messy and out of control, an undercurrent of stress and anxiety lurks in a space. But after completing projects for clients, their whole energy would shift. They felt lighter, clearer, and better able to move other areas of their life forward. When your environment uplifts and inspires you, it energizes your life.

Our environment is like a marinade we soak in…it flavors us as we are in it! What energy do you want to be marinated in? I love to be in environments that are well organized and inspiring. I love lots of natural light, fresh air, fresh flowers, and a few pieces of inspiring art. I am looking to create a feeling of luxurious simplicity. The impact of carefully chosen pieces that serve the needs of the space practically and beautifully is extraordinary.

Looking great, feeling amazing, growing in virtue, and living in a well designed space are all interconnected and the foundation for success in whatever your life calling is. If you want to work with me in re-designing your life to help your soul flourish, reach out and let’s talk. And please forward this to a friend who is looking to make changes in their life. I am excited to co-create the next chapter with you!

Cheering you on,
