“When we realize that we are not limited by what we know to be true but instead are able to embrace all that we don’t yet know ….then the options are infinite.”


Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Hello Loves,

The difference between being stuck and resigned to our fate and continuing to break through and up level our lives is largely dependent on our willingness to be humble, curious, and persistent. You can call this growth mindset. And it’s the ticket to a life well lived.

When we are humble we don’t assume we have tried everything. We realize that there are nearly 8 billion people alive and many more who have passed on and left vestiges of their insights from which we can draw. We stop saying to ourselves “I can’t believe I have done x, y, and z and this still is unresolved.” We believe that a solution is possible (or a new approach/mindset that will reframe the situation in our experience) and that we are on a treasure hunt to find it. The more of an expert we feel ourselves to be in a subject, the more we must guard against putting a limit on a subject to only include what we already know.

When we are curious we are willing to try new approaches or sources of information. I love reading point of views from a variety of sources I don’t currently align with. It’s so important not to limit our exposure to that which only confirms our current approach or point of view. I want to understand other ways of seeing what I see. I am open to being “wrong” about a topic and shifting approaches. If we can stay open (yet discerning) we will be exposed to different kinds of solutions that just may alter our course.

Some changes take days, some take years, and some take aeons! It’s up to us to keep our rudder directed towards the shore we desire to reach and take consistent action, however small, towards that place. We might feel like the water eroding the rock face very slowly. We might get lucky and experience help from an unexpected source. The time frame might be out of our hands but the process is ours to shape.

I live in a world of people who have recovered from incurable diseases, healed long held emotional wounds, and re-created their lives in dramatic ways. Our ability to make these enormous turnarounds is grounded in our faith. Do we have faith that an unseen answer, a Divine assist, or a path not yet found is able to enter our situation and transform it? My answer is a profound “Yes!”.

When we realize that we are not limited by what we know to be true but able to embrace all that we don’t yet know ….then the options are infinite. Let’s embrace a childlike openness to receive guidance and grace as we pursue not what we think is normal but what we dream might be possible. In the dreaming we just may meet our destiny.

Cheering you on,