“Asking a powerful question with an open heart can transform us forever.”


Reflections for Your New Year 

Hello Gorgeous,

As we wrap up the year, I wanted to thank you for welcoming me into your life through joining my mailing list. I look forward to bringing more practical and inspiring offerings for you in the New Year.

I feel deeply grateful to have been featured on 4 podcasts, to support my coaching clients in our calls, and to have spoken at remarkable events. Meeting inspiring people and sharing my passion was such a joy! I look forward to expanding my offerings in the coming year.

As we enter a new season and a new year, here are a few of my favorite questions to ponder:

  1. Where in my life did I surprise myself?
  2. How was I brave? What risks did I take?
  3. Who did I meet that most impacted me?
  4. What did I learn about the deeper truths of Creation and God?
  5. What generational weights do I desire to let go of once and for all?
  6. How can I re-prioritize my life to better nourish my calling?
  7. Where can I simplify to create peace and savor the moment more? What 2 things can I start with — either by releasing or delegating?

Whether you pick one question or several, I hope the moments of deep consideration allow insights about how you wish to move forward in your life and be more present and of greater service to the great I AM.

Cheering you on for all that is to come,

PS If you are looking for support in re-imagining your life, reach out to schedule a discovery call.