We need to find a balance between accepting that our bodies are changing and investing in our radiance. I offer that we can take a both/and approach: 80% of “aging” can be side stepped through health supporting choices and 20% needs to be graciously embraced.
Be an Ageless Beauty Part 1
Hello Beautiful,
Right now, we have more options than ever about how we age. Plastic surgery, injectables, lasers, and high tech treatments are changing the way we look at what aging has to be. Now that we have so many choices, some people find themselves overwhelmed with the expectations for using all of these options.
You might feel torn between wanting to try some of these but hesitant because of the expense, the potential that they go poorly, or that they might be bad for your health.
Some people just long for the good old days when, it was expected that your face and body would change predictably and you could just relax into the last half of your life without as much concern for keeping up appearances and enjoy not caring so much.
All of these thoughts are understandable. It can be complicated to navigate the many issues that have arisen. The great expense of these interventions and “upkeep” are prohibitive for many people. Others recoil at the time and energy required to keep trying to look 35 years old indefinitely. And, more and more research suggest that there are health concerns associated with implants and injectables.
So, what to do….
As I have considered these things for myself, coached clients around these issues, and continued to study things from various angles, I have found a both/and approach that might be helpful for your consideration.
Firstly, health is the root of true beauty, and it is worthy of our prioritizing at any age. It takes more time and energy with each decade to protect and optimize your nutritional needs, your fitness needs, your rest & recovery, and your grooming.
It just does. And the alternative isn’t doing nothing and saving time. The alternative is spending the same (or likely more) time dealing with the consequences of not making healthy habits a priority.
In the second half of life, most of the population spends close to half their time dealing with chronic health issues and the effects of reduced energy. So, unless you are spending 5-6 hours each day working out, juicing, and in the sauna, you are winning, time wise!
We flourish when we choose to prioritize daily habits and choices that will help us flourish. In many ways, health is earned, and so is illness. Our habits, our thoughts, our schedules, our diets, our sleep patterns, and the things we put on (and into) our bodies have consequences.
And, unfortunately, these choices matter more than ever because the air/water/soil pollution we are exposed to isn’t possible to eliminate, only to mitigate.
Beyond the acceptance that giving daily priority to excellent nutrition, exercise/leading an active lifestyle, rest and recovery, purpose and community, and helping the body recover from chemical exposures, what else is worth your time and energy?
In part 2, I will be sharing many amazingly effective tools for being an Ageless Beauty. But, before I do, I want to address a key point. We need to find a balance between accepting that our bodies are changing and investing in our radiance.
I offer that we can take a both/and approach: 80% of “aging” can be side stepped through vitality promoting choices and 20% needs to be graciously embraced.
Beauty is present in a 2 year old, a 12 year old, a 32 year old, a 52 year old and an 82 year old. It looks different—not more or less— in each stage.
We need to broaden our definition of a beauty, so it includes the full spectrum of life.
While we aren’t looking to eliminate all changes, we are looking to age beautifully. We want to remain radiant, energetic, fit, and healthy throughout our lives.
It would be ridiculous to resist the change of the seasons in nature. Likewise, we are foolish to presume that we (as a part of nature) will not change.
How we change and how we relate to that change is up to us.
I invite you to embrace the truth of wherever your body is right now, and to lovingly and devotedly nurture it to it’s full potential at any age. I look forward to sharing my favorite ways to do that in the next blog.
Cheering you on,
ps. If you would like to work with me to help you reach your goals, get more information here: Click here for details